Best strategy to crack ssc chsl 2020 first search (why?)

      YOU should have to discover why you want to crack this exam because for every motivational exam is the body of any competitive examination if this is why powerful then during the preparation, if you feel motivated and think that I can not read most then this is why it helps you to push to prepare for the exam You.
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2.understanding of syllabus-

if you start preparing ssc chsl then initially understand the syllabus carefully if you prepare without knowing the syllabus chsl ssc you belong to the dark of night, UPSC crest also said that the understanding of the syllabus of the most important so my friends would recommend to first understand the syllabus ssc chsl 2020

3.know about of examination in details ssc chsl

 tier-1 exam duration- Question 1 hour and will be 100 and 200 mark means every question carry two pins so carefully over the paper to give time and solve.this is fixed if you make the selection of 200 of the 150 then you will definitely,

4.previous year question paper-

it helps you to prepare the exam with a simple way to analyze just the last five years on the question paper ssc chsl and see what is the most important topic where to ask questions atmost, and complete the topic with the practice of many solutions for brand practice questions

5.note making-

making brief notes on each topic and timely revise the weekly basis, to understand after syllabi make a note of all these topics help you to revise all the topics syllabus within a few hours during exam time


it is said that revision makes perfect,so do not forget to revise your notes.

7.test series-

test series helps you to know the condition of your preparation so that, joining a series of high-traffic test with time management