Friends, today we will tell you how to get traffic on your website. Because a blog is considered successful only when there is traffic on that blog. But this thing is not only applicable to the blog but also applies to all types of online business.

How to increase blog traffic without any investment

Many ways to increase on the blog for free

In this article, we will tell you some ways by which you can make your blog quite popular and traffic on it will increase significantly.

If there is no traffic on your blog, then no matter how many posts are on your blog, it is of no use.
If you are thinking about making money from it by blogging, you will still need traffic.

How to increase traffic on the blog, popular ways to increase blog traffic, some tips to increase blog traffic, how to get high ranking traffic on the blog.

The tips are :

1- Research Keyword- Before writing an article on any topic, do a search on the Internet about that subject and how many articles related to that topic already exist.

The most important thing is that you write an article using the most searched keyword.
For this, you can use Google Trend.

How can you write unique content on that subject? Which article will you use to write your article? You can use google keyword planner for Keyword Research.

2- Write On New Topic- Always write an article on the new topic, and share such information with the reader, which is very less on the Internet.

3- Write Long Article- If you think that you want organic traffic, then you should try to write a long article.

4- Use Attractive Graphics and Images - Use the best photos and graphics in your blog posts. Always use only high-quality images.

5- Create a Facebook page for your blog- Make a facebook page in the name of your blog and share every post of your blog on it.

6- Create g + Page For your Blog- Create google + page for your blog and share all your posts to this.

7- Tweet your post - Share your blog post on twitter too.

8- Write an answer to the question- You signup on and yahoo answers in the name of your blog and create an account and write the answer to the question of people there.

9- Submit Blog to Search Engine- Submit your blog to Google, Yahoo, Bing,  etc. search engine, because most traffic comes from search engine.

10- New Idea for Article- You can search the idea of ​​a new article for your blog using any online title maker.

11- Use keyword In Post Title- The keyword you are writing a post using, must use that keyword in the title of your article. Use high traffic keyword in your blog title.

12- Use Keyword in Articles- You can use as many keywords as you want in your article. The more keywords in the article. The article's search ranking will be better.

13- Make Keyword Density 1.5-2.0-article's keyword density should be between 1.5 to 2.0, more than this, the search engine can penalize blog post.

14- Characters In Post Title- You should always keep the title of your blog post between 50 words to 70 words.

15- 1 -2 Heading In Post- Use only 1 to 2 heading in your blog post. So that the search engine bots have no problem in explaining the post.

16- Highlight Post Top keyword- You can highlight it by bold, Italic and underline the top keyword of your blog post.

17- Use Beautiful Theme- You choose a simple and beautiful theme for your blog. And do not change the theme of your blog again and again.

Changing the theme repeatedly confuses the reader. The theme should be mobile-friendly, and easily visible in mobile.

18- Create content Longer- If there is a small article on your blog which is less than 500 words, then you should do it at least 500 words. So that his search ranking improves.

19- Don't Change Post Permalink- If you are updating an old post, then you should not change its permalink.

After changing this, the problem of Error 404 will start coming for that page.

I hope that the ways mentioned in this post blog to increase blog ki traffic. You will definitely help in increasing your blog par traffic. And the traffic to your blog will definitely increase.

If my stated methods are correct, then you must comment and share it on social media.